Monday, February 23, 2015

Compilation of men's reactions to seeing their Brides for the first time.
(aka men pooping)

Squatting makes dumping easier.

Trying to be sly.. we all know he's crackin' off a couple of bricks.

Looks like he finds his loaf pinching funny.

At least this guy is ashamed to tears.

Sweating it while doing his dirty squirties.

This guy needs to see a doctor about his painful bowels.

So does this one.

Sometimes when you download a brownload, a gentle pat on the back from a friend can lighten your load.

This guy pooped... and everyone knows it.

This guy had a perfect poop.

Sometimes its a shameful act.

And other times its too amazing to contain.

Pop a squat.

Sometimes the mud baby just creeps up on you.

The poop that hurts so much you pray you get through it.

Constipation kills.

Hershey squirts can sneak up on you sometimes.

"I need to tell you something"

The famous making of the baby ruth.

His face says it all.

NEEEDLESS to say. I think these "groom reaction to seeing bride for the first time" pictures are gay. Like what is so shocking? Didn't think she could look that good?